Heroic Efforts to Save People!
Choose now! Health or Taking a Flying Leap Off a Bridge? I want to tell you a story that really brings the point to all [...]
Choose now! Health or Taking a Flying Leap Off a Bridge? I want to tell you a story that really brings the point to all [...]
People often read my articles and my books, and even watch my YouTube videos, where I and the doctors at the Biologix Center for [...]
Are you being betrayed by the very medication you are desperately hoping is helping you? What if you woke up one day and realized many [...]
It is almost Christmas. Many families and friends are getting together the world over to celebrate the birth of our Lord and Savior, Jesus [...]
Blown Circuits in the Body By the age of 19 most people will be living the rest of their life with all 23 circuits in [...]
If you are chronically sick then you have experienced that much of medical care is blindly treating numbers on lab tests. Thankfully new science [...]
I was at a doctor conference many years ago and heard a lot of the older doctors state that even the illnesses and symptoms that [...]
In my previous article, I discussed how the Biologix Center is "Forging ahead into the new frontier of healthcare – Restorative Care." Many of you [...]
Almost 100% of the people who come to the Biologix Center are suffering with stubborn, chronic illnesses of every type, and are some of [...]
Many millions of people spend sleepless nights, suffering physical and emotional pain. They cannot sleep so nights are spent surfing the internet in search of [...]