Your support gives hope to someone with chronic illness.

Through thorough research and the careful application of innovative treatment methods, we at the Biologix Center aim to change the life of every person living with chronic illness. But, unfortunately, for those in financial distress, such a goal is not possible without help from supporters like you. So when you make a tax-deductible donation to our non-profit scholarship program or allied foundations, you’re allowing those in financial distress the opportunity to get the life-changing treatment they need.

How You Can Help

The Theios Foundation is a 501c3 non-profit organization that provides financial aid to those who need it most, allowing them to visit the Biologix Center for treatment despite financial distress. To date, the Theios Foundation has helped over 130 patients and awarded $224,415 in scholarship funds.

We also work with Pilots For Christ, a not-for-profit foundation that provides charitable flights for many people who cannot afford airfare or drive to distant healthcare facilities. The Marion Institute is another foundation that has provided financial assistance to those needing the healing philosophy of Biological/Bioregulatory Medicine.

To Donate

Call 855-955-1395


use Paypal to make a one-time or recurring donation. All major credit cards accepted.

Your gift….

Makes healing possible.

Donate to the Theios Foundation, our non-profit scholarship program, to help someone afford treatment at the Biologix Center.

Fosters collaboration.

Donate to our allied foundation, the Marion Institute, to help someone who needs the approach of biological medicine.

Makes a global impact.

Donate to our allied foundation, Pilots For Christ, to help someone who cannot afford to travel to the Biologix Center.