What is multiple chemical sensitivity?
Multiple Chemical Sensitivity, also known as MCS, idiopathic environmental intolerance, sick building syndrome, or even simply “environmental illness,” is a condition with a wide-range of symptoms and triggers. These triggers can usually be attributed to accumulated cellular disruption due to prolonged exposure to toxins found in processed food, mold, personal care products, medications, and other factors found within a person’s environment. There is no question that exposure to high levels of harmful pollutants can make people sick. However, the levels of exposure considered “safe” for most people, can greatly impact a person struggling with multiple chemical sensitivity. The level of chemicals the average person is exposed to each day accumulates within tissues and organs, eventually reaching a tipping point once the body cannot tolerate anymore. Triggers vary from person-to-person, but they can include tobacco smoke, perfume, insecticide, pesticides, new carpets, chlorine, detergent, cleaning agents, car exhaust, and any other of the thousands of artificial chemicals and toxins a person comes into contact with on a daily basis, simply by existing.
How is multiple chemical sensitivity typically diagnosed?
While they may recognize the legitimacy of a patient’s symptoms, the American Medical Association, as well as most medical doctors and professionals, do not consider multiple chemical sensitivity to be a legitimate illness in and of itself. Most medical doctors will prescribe prescription drugs and medications that can provide temporary relief for a patient’s most prevalent symptoms, but do nothing to restore the body to a truly healthy state.
At the Biologix Center, we will do more than provide temporary relief. We recognize that your condition is very real, which is why we will work to improve the way your entire body’s functions, restoring you to optimal health. To do so, we will help your body eliminate the accumulated toxins, repair the damage the toxins caused, and educate you on eliminating the primary sources of toxins in your life. That way, you can rebuild your body’s tolerance to withstand common exposures to toxins moving forward.
Our two-week program will allow our doctors to get to know you and your body’s specific needs during daily, hour-long treatment windows, so that we can find the root causes of your body’s issues and create a specific treatment method that is compatible with your body’s unique make-up. Request your patient packet now to learn more about our approach!
What are the symptoms of multiple chemical sensitivity?
MCS symptoms are wide-ranging and vary from patient-to-patient. At the Biologix Center, we recognize that our patients’ symptoms are very real, which is why we commit to using everything available to us to promote true healing. We will never, under any circumstances, dismiss you or your symptoms. We are here for you!
Increased Sensitivity
Patients struggling with MSC symptoms first lose their ability to tolerate fragrances and chemicals such as those found in air-fresheners, perfumes, colognes, personal care products, detergents, fabric softeners, paints, and other scented products.
Fatigue & Insomnia
Patients with multiple chemical sensitivity often find themselves feeling tired, no matter how long they sleep. Due to their specific symptoms, some patients may also struggle with insomnia, or the inability to fall and/or stay asleep.
MCS patients have been known to experience bad headaches and complain of issues with short-term memory, dizziness, and other thinking skills.
Some patients with MSC symptoms experience nausea and stomach pain, sometimes triggered by certain foods and smells.
In addition to nausea, some patients with MCS symptoms notice bloating, gas, and/or diarrhea.
Muscle Pain and Stiffness
Restless, painful, and stiff muscles are often associated with MCS. This pain varies from patient to patient.
Many patients experience itching, sneezing, sore throats, and even trouble breathing. Some patients describe their symptoms as being somewhat similar to those of seasonal allergies.
Chest Pain & Changes In Heart Rhythm
Some people struggling with MCS symptoms experience discomfort in their chest as well as an irregular heart rhythm.
Skin Rash
An itchy skin rash may develop in patients struggling with multiple chemical sensitivity symptoms. Some patients also notice a burning sensation on the skin.
Depression & Anxiety
Coping with persistent symptoms leaves many patients feeling hopeless, especially since the majority of medical doctors have yet to find long-lasting treatment methods. Reach out to a friend, family member, or counselor for extra support during your battle with multiple chemical sensitivity.
If you are suffering from any of these symptoms or any additional symptoms not listed here, please contact us. We can help return your body to its natural rhythms. Request your patient packet today!
How is multiple chemical sensitivity typically treated?
Most medical doctors do not consider multiple chemical sensitivity to be a legitimate illness. They typically suggest OTC and prescription drugs, depending on your most noticeable symptoms and their severity. They may also suggest antihistamines and sleeping aids to attempt to correct your sleeping habits, or antidepressants to lift your mood. However, the majority of these drugs only serve to suppress or mask the symptoms, and can even cause additional symptoms, such as drowsiness, as a side effect.
How does the Biologix Center treat multiple chemical sensitivity?
While the prevailing medical thought is to first and foremost mask any symptoms by prescribing antihistamines for sensitivities, sleep-aids for exhaustion, and pain relievers for muscle pain, none of these drugs address the symptoms’ underlying causes. The Biologix Center uses precise, real-time testing and treatments, developed by Dr. David Jernigan, that directly target the multiple imbalances associated with every case of MCS, and in doing so, enable the body to naturally, and often rapidly, achieve lasting relief. The goal is to accomplish the long-term restoration of health without encouraging a dependence upon medications.
Using tests such as Biospectroscopic Emission Sequence Testing (BEST), developed at the Biologix Center over 20 years ago by Dr. David A. Jernigan, D.C., we can eliminate much of the guesswork in doctoring. Unlike conventional blood tests that produce merely a snapshot of a patient’s blood on the day it was drawn, our constantly evolving technologies provide far more insight into the root causes of a patient’s symptoms, as well as treatment options that are tested for compatibility and effectiveness with each patient’s unique body, before even beginning treatment!
Every system of the body is interconnected and interdependent, meaning that each system must be precisely addressed in order for the body to achieve optimal health. Health care delivery is often a minimalistic approach. It is far easier to prescribe a painkiller or antibiotic than to provide the maximum applied effort needed to truly restore the optimum form and function of the body. The Biologix Center’s approach is for those who truly desire to be well, not just feel well from drug-induced illusions of health. The best of every healing method and testing is brought to your unique case, in one-on-one, hour-long treatment sessions with the doctor treating you.
For further insight into our treatment of multiple chemical sensitivity at the Biologix Center, please visit our blog.
If you’d like more information on becoming a patient at the Biologix Center, please request your patient info packet now!
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