Stories & Testimonials

We salute these individuals and thank each one for their courage and willingness to share their stories. It is often not easy to sit in front of the camera and talk about one’s most intimate life details.

Disclaimer: Individual results will vary. Biologix Center for Optimum Health makes no guarantees for outcomes. Each patient case is unique. Please consult your doctor before making any changes to your medical treatment. Not every patient is a candidate for care or archives these results. Treatments used in this may not all be FDA approved for the treatment of this condition. 

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Biologix Center for Optimum Health was formerly known as Biologix Center. The Biologix brand more accurately reflects our treatment philosophy of Biological and Bioregulatory medicine as well as all of our recent innovations and technologies.

I have had Lyme disease most of my life (over 60 years) and had lost hope of ever feeling well until I took a chance and spent two weeks at the Biologix Center. Since then, I am feeling better every day. Keeping up with the protocol has been challenging. However, it is paying off! I am a golf professional and had reached a point where I had lost my coordination. I could not play the game anymore and it was becoming more difficult for me to teach. Yesterday was the first day in many years where I felt a connection with my body. I only had enough energy to play three holes of golf, but I parred them all! Miracles truly happen by God's design. I am so grateful for finding this path of healing and for the heart and love given to me by my doctor and staff there. Thank you, Biologix!
Paula Thompson Avatar
Paula Thompson
I have been to the Biologix center for several yrs and they have restored my health and my life. Im so grateful.
Kenny Mills Avatar
Kenny Mills
Biologix Center is a wonderful place of healing. After 10 years of chronic illness and seeing 36 doctors -- none of whom could help me even get out of the "starting gate" towards health, on a friend's recommendation I went to the Biologix Center for treatment. The doctors were able to pinpoint exactly what my body's biggest challenges were and went right to work addressing those issues. By the end of my initial 2 week treatment program I'd already begun feeling better in many ways! Within 6 months, I was able to go on a 3 week family vacation and had a blast! Before treatment, I couldn't leave my home.
Kara Ruttan Carey Avatar
Kara Ruttan Carey
I appreciate alternative doctors - thank you. This is refreshing! I will learn quite a bit.
Mariana Titus Avatar
Mariana Titus
Dr. Jernigan, I live in Northeast Ohio and cannot get to your clinic. I have been diagnosed with Fibromyaliga for about 15 years, and also have a steel plate in lower back due to degenerative disk disease. I have been on opioids for a very long time for the back because it did not fuse and I have constant intense pain. With having Fibromyaliga on top of that I am frankly a mess. I spend a lot of time in bed and am only 54. Do you know of anyone in my area that has a clinic such as yours? Thx so much for your help. Rhonda
Rhonda Johnston Avatar
Rhonda Johnston
Hello Dr Jernigan! I am not sure who regulates this page but I just wanted to thank you! I have been sick with late stage neuro lyme for over two years and was increasingly frustrated and disillusioned by the treatments I was being offered. I did not ever want to go on long term antibiotics and definitely did not want to use IV but I did not know any other way to treat my issues... I felt for sure if I were to herx too much that this would be worse for myself and not beneficial in recovery, feeling very skeptical of the barbaric ways we currently treat this. I researched a lot of things on my own and finally came across some info on biological medicine and found your wonderful clinic! I had purchased the book and feel that this is truly the best way to get over all "dis ease" states. I never even really believed the lyme was the big problem in the first place. Hopefully sometime in the future I could afford to get more direct treatment at your clinic and come down for the two week therapy, however for now I am very satisfied on what you wrote in the treatment of the human body "dis ease" states. I am also following similar de tox and immune system assistant treatments in my local area of Southern California.

Again thank you so much Dr. Jernigan, you have really saved my life with your work! I was in a really dark spot before with no sense of light at the end of the tunnel in total darkness and questioning a lot of big things, I think thanks to your work I have found exactly what I needed to learn and can finally heal in the way my body so desperately wants!

Words could never really produce the amount of gratitude and respect I have for you, but I believe you know exactly what I mean so it is not necessary.

God bless,

Todd Stratton Avatar
Todd Stratton
These Doctors are our silver lining. Things were really dark when we first met Dr. Jernigan at Biologix ..we had two very sick girls.... but God brought health, stability and happiness to our whole family thru the Biologix Clinic. Our life there is an open book and I share it with everyone I come in contact with!
Melody Morris Avatar
Melody Morris
The staff are professional, friendly, kind and know what they are doing! I greatly encourage anyone with a chronic condition to go here! My chronic back and neck pain - years of it - is gone!
Julie Bachman Avatar
Julie Bachman
positive review Oh, the Biologix Center. What an amazing experience! After going to well over 50 (probably more like 100) doctors during my lifetime, I was given a divine connection that led me to make the arrangements to stay 2 weeks at the Biologix Center. I’ve had migraines/headaches for over 63 years. Along with fibromyalgia, chronic back and neck pain. For many years, I made emergency room visits 3-4 times a year for both migraines and back pain. Finding an awesome chiropractor years ago was very helpful. But, never resolved the migraines or eliminated the back pain. Have been on prescription pain killers daily for at least 30 years. During the second week of my stay at the Biologix Center, I got to ring the “Well Bell”. It was the first day in 30 years that I did not take any pain medication for a headache!! I was ecstatic! At that point, it was also evident that my energy levels were improving. At this point, (have been home about 5 weeks now), I no longer need to sleep 11 hours at night with a 2 hour nap during the day! I have my life back!! I can do laundry, go grocery shopping, put the groceries away, unload the dishwasher AND make dinner all in the same day! My memory is improving...even if I had the energy (which I didn’t), getting the laundry from the washer to the dryer, folded and put away in the same day, just hasn’t happened for years. I was either to tired or forgot it was there. These are the little things that added up to big defeats in normal daily life. NO LONGER! What an amazing, wonderful, life-giving gift my visit to the Biologix Center has been to me! Dr. Jameson was my doctor...amazing. The staff is so welcoming in this new experience, the atmosphere so peaceful. If given the choice, I would choose to go back to the Biologix Center instead of going on vacation...that’s how much I loved the whole experience. And then to experience the healing and hope that my visit has allowed me to live in...priceless!
Sue Himebaugh Crissman Avatar
Sue Himebaugh Crissman
I am so thankful that I found the Biologix Center. My first trip was in early August and my follow up was just last week.

I have been ill most of my life (with some years being rougher than others). I am a mama to six small children, which I believe has led to the gradual increase in neglecting my own wellness.

I came to Biologix in August with a diagnosis of Lyme disease and co-infections. I presented on my first day of treatment with dozens of symptoms (at least 30- both major and minor). The Biologix Center was quick to make it clear that we were seeking to treat the whole body and not a specific disease. I am not a fan of victim mentality or finding my identity in my disease so the fact that Lyme disease was never even mentioned in the treatment process meant so much to me.

Using various therapies and an individualized treatment plan tailored specifically for my body (what works for me will not work for you!), I am now 3 months down the road and 90% of my symptoms are either reduced or, mostly, gone altogether!

Believe it or not, the most beneficial wisdom that I have attained from the Biologix Center is that my mind has more power over my healing than I would have ever realized. Had I come to Biologix with a lackadaisical attitude and just wanting a quick and easy fix, I don't think I would have seen any improvements. Supplements and medications can only take you so far. A huge part of the journey is attitude.

Not every day is perfect (or even close to it), but I am on a healing journey. I didn't become ill in 3 months. I won't be healed in 3 months. Being realistic and trusting the process is key!

I praise God for the Biologix Center. The doctors and staff are incredibly welcoming and kind. I wish we had doctors practicing American Biological Medicine in Kentucky. Maybe one day. Until then, I will be glad to call Wichita my second home and be thankful for my visits to Biologix as God allows them.
Mandy King Avatar
Mandy King
We just finished two weeks of treatment for our son and the doctors and staff at Biologix are so amazing. We are so grateful for the healing that’s taken place here! A very calm, healing atmosphere and caring staff.
Christy Thompson Avatar
Christy Thompson
Dr. Jernigan is the best for Lyme disease info & treatment!
Catherine Ritlaw Avatar
Catherine Ritlaw
My two week stay at Biologix was a great experience! The whole staff was so friendly, the environment was very positive and Dr. Hart was knowledgeable and took the time to make sure that he addressed all of my concerns in each appointment. Several of my symptoms began to improve on my third day there.
Mackenzie Hill Thompson Avatar
Mackenzie Hill Thompson
I am so grateful for God and answered prayers. The Biologix Center was a huge answer to my prayers. I have been sick for 11 years and Dr. Jowdy and the team at Biologix were able to get my symptoms down and me on a path to complete healing. I am very grateful for their dedication to helping people get better.
Amber Dodd Gamble Avatar
Amber Dodd Gamble
My first symptoms of ALS occurred in 2011, but was diagnosed in 2013. I had severe symptoms ranging from shortness of breath, balance problems, couldn't walk without a walker or a power chair, i had difficulty swallowing and fatigue. I was given medications which helped but only for a short burst of time, then i decided to try alternative measures and began on ALS Formula treatment from Akanni herbal centre , It has made a tremendous difference for me (Visit www. akanniherbalcentre .com). I had improved walking balance, increased appetite, muscle strength, improved eyesight and others.
Mofoso Fisto Avatar
Mofoso Fisto
positive review I am so very thankful for Biologix Center for Optium Health... my husband was near death with Blood pressure dropping so low he would pass out.. he was no longer able to digest his food. We had seen every kind of specialist with no improvement. We did the 3 week program in August 2019 then returned for 1 week program in Mid November 2019. Now it is end of December 3019 he is digesting his food and has gained weight, no more passing out. No blood pressure drops. He is able to walk a short distance then has to rest but no passing out just gets tired.
Could we afford it? No... but we are from a family that cares about each other and friends also. The family did fundraiser and family and friends gave donations. We are still in disbelief that he was able to go get the care he needed. Yes we did have to take out a loan from CareCredit and had to come up with cash ourselves...
Ercell Roden Avatar
Ercell Roden
I can’t say enough good things about my experience so far at the Biologix Center. The doctors and staff are absolutely amazing. I’ve learned more about my health in the past two days than I have with 25+ specialists in the past five years. I’m already noticing a difference in how I feel in just a couple days. I highly recommend the Biologix Center to anyone struggling with chronic illness. It’s truly an answer to our prayers!
Melissa Moore King Avatar
Melissa Moore King
positive review Amazing place! I just left last Friday after being there for 2 weeks. I feel so much more empowered to HEAL and continue healing. Thank you to ALL who helped me.
Nicole Furr Avatar
Nicole Furr
Biologix Center has completely transformed our family's health. We are overwhelmed with gratitude for this place of healing, Dr. Cox's compassionate approach, and the changes we have seen. From incredible neurological improvements with my son, digestive healing from a chronic disease my daughter survived with for over half her life leaving us with life-altering surgery as our other remaining option, and a major overhaul physically, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually for me that allowed me to release half my former body weight and truly live life again, our lives are forever changed. At this season of Thanksgiving, we cannot thank you all enough for how you have touched our lives!
Dawn Olsen Avatar
Dawn Olsen
positive review My experience at the Biologix Center was wonderful! The staff provided a truly welcoming and loving environment. Dr. Hart provided exactly the support I needed to focus on healing. I've had two visits so far and plan on continuing to visit the Biologix Center yearly to maintain optimum health.
Wendy Lee Bakke Avatar
Wendy Lee Bakke
Very courageous to cure human beings of an infection they've been given and allowed to continue with through censorship of information, denial of pesticide life Liberty or any Happieness., and allowed to suffer and die premature unfulfilled lives.
Healing is his talent and calling.
Nicholas Robert Maffei Avatar
Nicholas Robert Maffei
I have never seen a doctor and an entire clinic treat the entire body and everyone there is extremely kind and makes it feel like home. You also meet great people while getting treated. This place is for everyone and has allowed me to take some steps.
Allan Schwartz Avatar
Allan Schwartz
Hi dr.david....i have heard great things about your centre...just want to know if you treat liver cirrhosis or can help the patient manage it and alleviate its symptoms...thanks very much...waiting for your reply.
Mariyam Khan Avatar
Mariyam Khan
Miracles happening here every day! Praising God that we were led here!
Nancy Driscoll Green Avatar
Nancy Driscoll Green
This place and these doctors are truly a Godsend!! I don't have the words to describe how grateful I am to God for leading us here and for the doctors and staff for the work that they do. I love you all!!!
Trisha Fessler Avatar
Trisha Fessler
Biologix has changed my life! Saved my life! I'm so thankful God chose this team to work with me! I've seen amazing things here heard amazing stories and have made great gains. Thank you!!!
Jody Toews Avatar
Jody Toews
I love reading the different posts they are very helpful! However, I am one of the unfortunate ones who have no money to treat. I have Lyme and Parvo b19, what chances do people like me have with no money? Thank you though for helping the ones who can afford treatment ; I know you are a savior for them! You would be for me! ���
Tonya Rene Avatar
Tonya Rene
I like Dr David jernigan..
Bonnie Denton Avatar
Bonnie Denton
Going to the Biologix Center was one of the most beautiful experiences of my life. I will forever be grateful for what everyone has done for me there. Dr. Martin Hart got me up and running and life is really good again thanks to everything he has done for me. He got me feeling better faster than I thought was possible. I have nothing but great things to say about the Biologix Center. They take in to account the variables needed to heal. It was really nice having a doctor truly listen to me. Much Love to everyone at the Biologix Center and thank you to everyone there.
Dey Lucas Avatar
Dey Lucas
You, Dr. Jernigan, are indeed a real doctor. The world needs more doctors like you. But you are one of a kind, there is nobody like you. God works through you. Your patients are blessed, as are all the people in your life. Please, continue to innovate and restore people's health. God bless you!
Niculae Nicușor Avatar
Niculae Nicușor
Biologix is years ahead of its time. I am getting my life back after 17 years of illness and many treatments including top clinics in the US. Excellent diagnostics, treatment and supportive environment. I can't say enough good things!
Nancy Hampel Avatar
Nancy Hampel
Biologix Center is the real deal.
Dr. Jernigan is a real doctor. The world needs more doctors like him. But he is one of a kind, there is nobody like him. God works through him. His patients are blessed, as are all the people in his life. Please, dr. Jernigan, continue to innovate and restore people's health. God bless you!
Niculae Nicușor Avatar
Niculae Nicușor
positive review My son suffered for 6 years.... saw 12 doctors plus a Lyme specialists. But having had Lyme too long his treatment was more complicated and didn’t respond to antibiotics... had pain fatigue and brain fog that would come and go.. sometimes severe.... he was better after his first visit of 2 weeks and keeps getting better! If you have a medical condition that baffles the traditional medicine route.... definitely check out the Biologix Center for Optimum Health!
Leilani Suellentrop Avatar
Leilani Suellentrop
I followed Dr. Jernigan's protocol from his first book and I have been healed for 8 years now! Dr. Jernigan is brilliant!
Denise Van Auken Avatar
Denise Van Auken
I think all post treatment Lyme and Tick borne disease sufferers/survivors should listen to this article from the Biologix Center.
David R Thomas Avatar
David R Thomas
Ordering on their online store, products are here in a day! Fast shipment when you are in need and the products exceptional! Huge plus! If I get sick with something, their products knock it like no other. I've started referring my friends into natural medicine and those that have like ailments to their store! There are many Lyme sufferers I know of too that I will be sending to them. Thanks!
Nicki McFarland Avatar
Nicki McFarland
The Biologix Center has given me my life back, and I don't type that lightly. After years of being mostly housebound and bedridden, and trying dozens upon dozens of treatments and nothing taking hold, the Biologix Center was able to successfully address the true causes of my illness. I'm forever grateful to their wonderful staff and doctors.
Haidy Peterson Avatar
Haidy Peterson
The Biologix Center has given me my life back. After battling chronic illness for years, my family and I are well, and we have the promise of a life free from the bondage of pain and disease. The doctors and staff are truly wonderful - their kindness makes this place a wonderful place to heal. Our lives have been truly blessed by these gifted doctors, and we are eternally grateful that God led us to Biologix !
Keri Ann Izadi Avatar
Keri Ann Izadi
I use Jernigan remedies for myself & our sanctuary animals. They are wonderful. I only wish I were able to travel to Biologix.
Catherine Ritlaw Avatar
Catherine Ritlaw
positive review Incredible place of healing. There is no place like it. I have had numerous friends come and get breakthroughs as well as my own children, and myself.
Highly recommend ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
Andrew Jernigan Avatar
Andrew Jernigan
Dr. Jernigan,
How big of the Lyme puzzle percentage of patients have kryptopyrroluria that needs to be addressed? Dr. Klinghardt states 80% of his patients have this . My son is a patient at the Biologix center .
Sheila Marie Finne Avatar
Sheila Marie Finne
Totally amazing, innovative and caring. Excited that I am getting help with Lyme as Biologix documents their research and I get to go in March. Praising God for their hearts of service to people.
Lindagay Paxton Avatar
Lindagay Paxton
I thank God every day for the Biologix Center and for my personal doctor, "Dr. Hart" and all of the doctors and staff at the clinic. You have saved my life and I will be forever grateful! God is so good to have led me to you, and for the healing that has taken place in my body and my life. God bless you all. <3 Lauria Bell-Hughes
Lauria Bell-Hughes Avatar
Lauria Bell-Hughes
Great Great Great Great Great Great Great Great Great
Rizwan Ullah Avatar
Rizwan Ullah
So thankful for the doctors and staff and what they have done for so many people at the Biologix Center! The Biologix Center is a place of hope and healing filled with loving and compassionate care. Healing for our bodies, minds and spirits is possible with the right care like the Biologix Center provides. Looking forward to my return visit in April!
Kathy G Crisler Avatar
Kathy G Crisler
We had no hope before coming to Biologix. It is a journey, but everytime we come my daughter sees improvement. The staff is caring and professional and I can't give the center a high enough recommendation.
Diana Ferguson Avatar
Diana Ferguson
positive review CURE, CURE, CURE❣️🤗 To have taken on Lyme Disease, then linked the Ammonia condition to MS & ALS, etc. is magnificent research findings!
Linda Morgan Avatar
Linda Morgan
God inspired healing of the total person, mind, body & spirit. Thanks for giving me my life back♥.
Jacque McGinnis Avatar
Jacque McGinnis
My life has completely changed since finding the Biologix Center 3.5 years ago.
I went from being in agony 24/7. I was bedridden or in a wheelchair for 10 years, unable to eat more than a bite of food per day for years on end and had a never ending list of symptoms and illnesses.
We didn't have any answers on why it was happening or what to do to fix it. I was a big mystery to all in the medical profession. I had exhausted all options in Australia and didn't have any hope that things would ever improve, or that I would even survive that year.
Fast forward to today and after 7 amazing trips to the center, I am SO much healthier and happier! My health now is something I could never have dreamed of. Whilst I am still working through some things, I no longer see myself as being chronically ill. This was something I never thought would happen.

The majority of my symptoms have either greatly improved, or I no longer have them. I am now able to work and study. I have learnt and grown so much as a person in the past 3.5 years. I get to live my life and not just survive and suffer through each day. I could not have done this without the amazing help of the Biologix Center.

They are incredible. Their knowledge, care, empathy and wisdom make such a difference in your healing journey and you have their support and belief every step of the way.
I can not speak more highly of the Center, the Doctors or the staff. It is a truly special place, that helps people regain their health and hope daily.

For years I thought that I was too unwell, and that healing could never happen to me, but the Biologix Center not only saved my life, but gave me a second chance. They also showed me that true and deep healing can indeed happen.
If you are thinking of attending the Biologix center, I can not recommend it more highly. You deserve to start your healing journey and I can’t think of a better place to do that.
Deciding to go to the Biologix Center was the best decision of my life and I will forever be grateful for them.
Georgia Eastley Avatar
Georgia Eastley
I'm so grateful for Dr. Jernigan and his staff at the Biologix Center. As soon as I walked into the building I knew I was in the right place. After my first two weeks I felt like my body/mind/soul were connected again - like I was being put back together piece by piece. Talk about HOPE when you have felt hopeless for so many years. I was amazed that in my first two weeks at Biologix 8 of my 16 worst symptoms were 100% gone. I thank God for the Biologix Center.
Lisa Krengel Avatar
Lisa Krengel
positive review There are no words to describe the loving, encouraging, healing atmosphere here. Thank you for everything you do to help the sickest of the sick in the journey of healing.
Shawn Greer Avatar
Shawn Greer
I cried when I had to leave � I think that says it all! ���
Jaime Lynne Miller Avatar
Jaime Lynne Miller
Biologix Center has given me my hope back. I was at the end of myself with Lyme disease and all gang that runs with it.
The Biologix Center doctors and staff are as lovely as anyone can find. 6 months now since first arriving there. Thank you Dr Hart!! God bless the Biologix Center like never before.
Emma Showalter Avatar
Emma Showalter
After many disappointing diagnoses and still being sick, Biologix changed all of that. I was so very sick for 18 months when I went. After my 2 weeks of treatments I went home with hope finally and feeling much better. I ran my first 5k just 2 months after I left Biologix . I feel like I have my life back again.
Christina Lindsey Fisher Avatar
Christina Lindsey Fisher

Our initiative of treating the whole person has resulted in thousands of success stories. Virtually all of these people came having exhausted all the conventional and often alternative medicine treatments, with what was essentially incurable, or at least non-responsive illness.
– Dr. David A. Jernigan, DC, Founder/Owner of Biologix Center

  • Step 1: Schedule a free case review with our Patient Care Coordinator to see if Biologix is right for you!

  • Step 2: Visit for your treatments at our comfortable, supportive facility! Treatments typically last one to three weeks to allow our doctors time to get to know your unique case and begin your path to healing!

  • Step 3: Continue treatment at home and follow up with the Biologix team to manage your care remotely until your next visit with us! We will always be here for you!

Are You Ready To Start Your Journey?

Don’t miss this chance to step into a healthier, more vibrant 2024. These offers are a testament to our commitment to your health journey. Schedule your appointment today, and let us be a part of your wellness story.

Schedule a call with us today to learn how we can help you!