Biologix Center for Optimum Health

health restoration

A Remarkable Restoration of True Health: Dramatic Improvements in 7 Weeks

In the world of health and wellness, numbers often tell a story. At the Biologix Center for Optimum Health, one such story unfolded, showcasing [...]

Lyme Disease; Like Having Termites in Your House!

May is Lyme Disease Awareness month! Having Lyme disease is much like having termites in the walls of your house. You can kill the termites (Lyme bacteria), with toxic chemicals (antibiotics), but it does nothing to repair the damage already done to the wood of your house (body), and now your house (body) will make you sicker from the poisons used to kill the termites.

Restoring this can put an end to your need for antibiotics!

Science has revealed that there are over 1.5 quadrillion bacteria living harmoniously in the healthy human body. ScienceDaily (June 5, 2008) Due to this new discovery, it [...]