We Treat All Kinds of Chronic Illness

Using the latest scientific advancements in natural medicine, we can often help where others have failed.

Clinic Features:

  • Advanced Therapeutics Options
  • Supplement Department
  • Superfood Bistro

  • WiFi/Fragrance/Toxin-Free

We are committed to restoring your body’s perfect, original design.

For over 30 years, we have been pioneers in addressing complex and treatment-resistant chronic illnesses. Patients from across the U.S. and the world come to Biologix for answers, hope, and lasting solutions that conventional medicine often overlooks.

Our doctors and staff pursue significance in life by serving God and striving to help those who are suffering from the many illnesses plaguing humanity today. We believe in working with the natural design and function of the body, creating personalized treatments that empower your body’s innate ability to heal.

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At Biologix, we do things differently.

Our approach is rooted in the belief that:

Every Treatment is Unique

We don’t use cookie-cutter protocols. Instead, your care is tailored to your body’s specific needs.

Root Cause Focus

We go beyond a diagnosis. Our goal is to uncover the true underlying causes of your illness and correct them.

Whole-Body Healing

The body is an interconnected system. We address health holistically, ensuring that every part works in harmony.

Gentle, Effective Therapies

Treatment doesn’t need to feel worse than the illness. Our therapies are designed to support rapid, sustainable healing.

Synergy Programs of Care

The Synergy Program of Care lies at the heart of our methodology. It is a revolutionary approach that integrates advanced diagnostics with cutting-edge therapies to:

This program is designed to work with the body’s natural healing processes, achieving rapid improvements and long-term health restoration.

A Message from Dr. David Jernigan

“If you have to keep taking something forever, even a natural supplement, to function, it’s not fixing the bottom-line issues. Once those issues are identified and corrected, you should be able to stop treatment. The body is the carpenter that repairs, eliminates, and restores health. Therapies are the tools the body uses. True healing requires both the right tools and the body’s ability to use them effectively.” 

— Dr. David Jernigan, Founder

“The body is the carpenter that must do the work of repairing, eliminating, and restoring true health. The treatments and therapies are the nails, screwdrivers, saws, and hammers that the carpenter needs to be able to use to do the work. The carpenter (your body) must be able to do the work in order for the quality of life you seek can be achieved.

Pharmaceuticals are most often only creating the drug-induced illusions of health, which is why you cannot get off of them without the illness returning.”

— Dr. David Jernigan, Founder

“Illness from infections is like having termites in the wood of your house. If you find and kill them right away, then life goes back normal. If you don’t find or effectively eliminate the termites until years after they have been there, then just killing them does not repair the damage they did to the wood of your house and the next storm can easily knock down. Even when Induced Native Phage Therapy is amazingly successful at eliminating the infections, the damage remains in your tissues and systems of your body, therefore your symptoms may be better, but total health will require treatments and therapies to repair all of the damage.”

— Dr. David Jernigan, Founder

“In long-term infections and chronic illness, it is a myth that your doctor is telling you that you will get out of the proverbial wheelchair when they can kill all of the infections. The damage must also be effectively and quickly addressed.”

— Dr. David Jernigan, Founder
“Not many doctors are trying to figure out your unique situation, beyond a diagnosis. Once they are convinced of the diagnosis, they simply run the standard treatment protocol. Our doctors are working to determine why you got sick in the first place, and identify and facilitate the correction of your unique body issues.”
— Dr. David Jernigan, Founder
“We will never sacrifice or knowingly injure one part of your body in order to fix another!”
— Dr. David Jernigan, Founder

“We definitely do not believe you must feel worse before you feel better! When the doctor knows what the underlying problems are and works with the natural design and function of the body, the symptoms almost always start improving.”

— Dr. David Jernigan, Founder

Real Solutions for Complex Illnesses

At Biologix, we specialize in addressing the underlying causes of chronic and treatment-resistant illnesses. Here’s how we approach some of the most challenging conditions:

Therapeutics Available Exclusivley at The Biologix Center

Internationally recognized as a respected leader in the treatment of chronic illness, our goal has always been to innovate the most state-of-the-art technologies for use in restoring the body’s perfect design and function.

Our Track Record

For over three decades, Biologix has been a beacon of hope for patients worldwide.

Patient Success Stories

Our patients’ journeys inspire us every day. Here’s what some have said:

Start Your Healing Journey

Taking the first step toward better health is simple:

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