Not Every Lyme Disease Lab Test Is Very Sensitive.
New, more sensitive, and precise testing reveals a troubling finding in the treatment of Lyme disease. As this study reveals, many doctors may often be [...]
New, more sensitive, and precise testing reveals a troubling finding in the treatment of Lyme disease. As this study reveals, many doctors may often [...]
By Dr. David A. Jernigan The following is not an opinion piece, but a reporting of the latest peer-reviewed published research. Remarkable new research [...]
The night is excessively cold. A blistering wind is whipping around my house, seeking cracks through which to create a draft in my house. [...]
By David A. Jernigan, DNM, DC, BS Nutr To the one suffering, almost nothing is more miserable than a chronic, antibiotic-resistant urinary tract infection (UTI). [...]
The doctors at the Biologix Center for Optimum Health, in Franklin, TN, using sophisticated, precision Biospectral Emission Sequence (BES) testing have identified that many, if [...]
I walked into the men's room at a restaurant. Three ER doctors in scrubs were washing their hands and greeted me. As a doctor too, [...]
When the illness is so prevalent it becomes accepted as the new norm! When enough doctors say something enough times, it becomes widely accepted [...]
The Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine just went to three biologists (1,2,3,4,5 — Jeffrey Hall, Michael Rosbash, and Michael Young —) for their [...]