Your Body is Talking to You…Are You Listening?
Pain is your body’s way of saying, “Don’t do this or it is going to damage me!” It is the pain of a broken leg [...]
Pain is your body’s way of saying, “Don’t do this or it is going to damage me!” It is the pain of a broken leg [...]
One of my “all-time” favorite newspaper cartoons pictured a doctor handing a patient a bottle of pills. The caption read, “Take one of these…and if you wake up in the morning, take another!”
What is thinning the Human Herd? Every year approximately 1.5 million people are dying prematurely due to pharmaceutical reactions and what may be called environmental causes of death!
I am often amazed as I watch TV and see all the pharmaceutical commercials that spend half of the commercial telling you how wonderful their new pharmaceutical drug is, then the other half of the commercial telling you the side-effects. I think, "Don't people care what they put in their body?"
Mr. Smith came into our clinic suffering from daily headaches for 50 years! When I finally determined cause, it was what I call a “computer virus” that had corrupted the operating software of his body from an adverse reaction to Penicillin fifty years prior.