We have all heard the saying, “A chain is only as strong as its weakest link.”  This is so true in every aspect of healthy living.  Any area of your life which is out of health rhythm and balance becomes a weak point.  Weak links in a person’s life can be often identified by where the focus of infection is located in the body.

For instance, viruses much prefer nerve tissue, while bacteria prefer blood and tissues with high metabolic activity.  Nerve tissues can become susceptible to viralinfection to mental, emotional, or otherwise sensory overload.  

Bacterial challenges may be the result of nutritional deficiencies, toxin overload, weather extremes that weaken tissue resistance, and physical injuries such as cuts and abrasions.

If your body is a “happy home” environmentfor microbes, then no medication will ever truly return you to the quality of life you seek.

Anyone who has lived in Hawaii knows that it is a happy home environment for molds.  The walls and shower stalls will rapidly turn green with mold.  You can kill it with spray chemicals but it will always come back because Hawaii is warm and humid, a perfect environment for mold.

In the human body, all treatments and therapies should seek to change the environment inside the body back to one that is not a good environment for microbial overgrowth.

The factors that may lead to microbial illness through upsetting the body’s healthy balance are numerous.  The following list is by no means complete:


Basically, any influence that leads to an over or under stimulation of any aspect of life can adversely alter your receptivity to infection.

The type of illness and the areas affected most by the infections are determined by the weaknesses in the person and the number of factors from the above list, that are involved.  Sometimes several of the above listed factors are involved in creating the illness, as well as prolonging the time it takes for the illness to resolve.  The point is that an effective treatment strategy must include therapies that will correct any and all factors leading to the receptivity to disease.


Most people have taken antibiotics at some point in this day and age.  Once the symptoms are gone, most people, and their doctor, don’t give it another thought.  Research shows that the antibiotics don’t kill all of the bacteria, and yet you may never need to take another dose if your body and other issues are addressed as well?

When dealing with the primary infectious disease of our day, Lyme disease, and its coinfections, you must, must, balance all aspects of your life and the many issues of the body and mind, before the symptoms will disappear. The bacteria will likely always be detectible on sensitive tests, yet the disease will never to return as long as you stay in balance.