I find it interesting that over the course of literally tens of thousands of treatments on people that it is so very apparent to me that the restoration of health, no matter what the diagnosis, very often has little to do with blood tests and drugs.
I find it interesting to see that a woman’s cancer went into “spontaneous remission” when the she shifted her point of perspective and was transformed instantly.
I find it interesting to see people who have fought the impulse to be ugly and mean or even being depressed and sad for their entire life find health, joy, and peace after an imbalance in their teeth and jaws was corrected.
I find it interesting to see a person filled with excessive sinus congestion and pneumonia can stand up after one treatment of their spine and breathe clearly with no sign of pneumonia ever again.
I find it interesting when chronic daily headaches for over a year disappeared after a lady stopped chewing gum containing NutraSweet.
I find it interesting that years of many symptoms disappeared in a woman after she quit a highly stressful job in a bank.
I find it interesting that a man’s heart arrhythmia and heart palpitations went away whenever he would take his dentures out.
I find it interesting that when a woman forgave those who injured her in the past, and learned to live the embodiment of love, her chest pain and chronic anxiety disappeared.
I find it interesting that after four and a half months with the inability to walk, a young girl could walk after one hour of treatment once the organ circuits were turned back on.
I find it interesting when a man with a frozen shoulder was instantly restored to strength, mobility, and no pain after the application of an essential oil over his liver.
It is a wonder to me that we give so much credibility to doctor’s concepts of incurable illness, the concept of health through the analysis of blood, and the prophetic prognosis of “just learning to live with your illness.”
I encourage you to not accept that it is just your lot in life to need to take drugs for the rest of your life.
Very few doctors are pushing the limits of knowledge like doctors practicing American Biological Medicine to learn and apply the latest science to not just mask your symptoms but restore your body, mind, and spirit to its most optimum health.
There are no guarantees in healthcare, but I can guarantee you one thing is certain…
If you keep doing the things that you are doing you will keep getting the same results.
If you do something different you just might get better results.
I suggest you give American Biological Medicine a chance to give you a different life.