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Biologix Methodology

Restorative Care; Tomorrow’s Medicine Today at the Biologix Center for Optimum Health

In my previous article I discussed how the Biologix Center is "Forging ahead into the new frontier of healthcare – Restorative Care." Many of you expressed interest in hearing why "Restorative Care," as practiced at the Biologix Center for Optimum Health, is so powerful.

New Drug-free Help for People with POTS, Seizures, Strokes, Autism, Cognition, and Neurological Problems.

Research has determined that all living tissues, whether the body’s tissues or the molecular structure of microbes, are made up of these unique molecular liquid crystalline structures. These living, pliable, crystalline structures are capable of creating, transmitting and receiving laser-like bio-photons (energy packets of light, generated by the tissues of the body) to communicate between tissues and molecules.