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Inducen Formulas Validated by Independent Research Study

PhagenCorp's Inducen-LDRF formula, available at The Biologix Center, has been validated by an independent research study published recently.The StudyYou can read the study here: [...]

2023-02-17T13:18:30-05:00By |Categories: INPT Phage Therapy, News, Phages|

Induced Native Phage Therapy for the Treatment of Lyme Disease and Relapsing Fever: A Retrospective Review of First 14 Months in One Clinic

Below, please find the results of our peer-reviewed research study regarding Induced Native Phage Therapy. We are very excited to share our progress with you! [...]

2022-09-06T11:47:45-05:00By |Categories: News|Tags: , , |

Bacterial Wars: Using strategic friendly bacteria to target and kill bad bacteria and cure disease!

Mind-Blowing New Science to Heal You! In a pristinely healthy person, one who escaped the medical system and enjoyed a more natural upbringing without antibiotics, [...]

New Technology for Treatment-Resistant Infections

Whether one is dealing with treatment-resistant tick-borne illness, such as Lyme disease and its co-infections, Staph infections, or any other type of bacterial or mold [...]

A Ten-Point Treatment Plan for those with Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome

This article is an outline of a new, extremely comprehensive, and individualized plan of care specifically designed to hopefully achieve never before seen improvements for [...]