Steve’s Story
After living with a chronic Lyme disease diagnosis for several years, Steve finally took his life back with the help of the doctors and treatment philosophy of the Biologix Center for Optimum Health. Listen as he describes his drastic results, including his experience with our newest innovation, Induced Native Phage Therapy.
INPT induces native phages in order to eliminate targeted microbes in unison with the immune system, all without harming friendly microbes or causing toxic effects! Learn more about Induced Native Phage Therapy.
How Is The Biologix Program Different?
Since it has taken your body time to get sick, we do not expect to heal your body in just one appointment. That’s why we have created the Biologix Program, wherein our doctors are able to use a multi-week program of concentrated Biologix treatments to get your body jump-started on the path towards healing. By performing multiple in-house testing and treatment regimens over the course of each day that you are with us, we are better able to monitor and adapt to how your body responds over time.
Most doctors will spend only a few minutes with you, looking over your lab results and writing up a script. But at the Biologix Center, our doctors come out from behind their desks to perform hands-on testing and treatment for virtually your entire visit, as well as to discuss and explain their findings with you in real-time so that you can understand exactly what they are doing to fix it.
Our main goal for your Biologix Program is to get every system of the body up and running as rapidly as possible. But we cannot do so without getting to know you and your body’s unique needs on a deeper level. Over the course of your Biologix treatment intensive, you will spend several hours with your doctor, facing your symptoms together.