Currently Accepting New Patients

Cognitive / Neurological / Emotional

Lyme-Induced Leaky Brain Syndrome

If you have Lyme disease, MS, ALS, Parkinson's, Autism, Alzheimer's, and other chronic conditions, you definitely have ammonia accumulating in your brain and body. As the discoverer that Lyme spirochetes cause the accumulation of ammonia it is very validating to me that other scientists and clinicians have confirmed the finding.

New Drug-free Help for People with POTS, Seizures, Strokes, Autism, Cognition, and Neurological Problems.

Research has determined that all living tissues, whether the body’s tissues or the molecular structure of microbes, are made up of these unique molecular liquid crystalline structures. These living, pliable, crystalline structures are capable of creating, transmitting and receiving laser-like bio-photons (energy packets of light, generated by the tissues of the body) to communicate between tissues and molecules.

Shattered by illness! PTSD and CTSD in Lyme disease and Chronic Illness.

When a person's life and dreams are shattered due to chronic illness it almost always sets up a Chronic Traumatic Stress Disorder (CTSD).  Much like our wounded warriors and others who have suffered through prolonged stressful events and have the predictable physical and emotional problems we know as PTSD.
