Eliminating Ammonia Toxicity in Lyme Disease
If you are chronically sick then you have experienced that much of medical care is blindly treating numbers on lab tests. Thankfully new science has largely made archaic this form of medicine.
If you are chronically sick then you have experienced that much of medical care is blindly treating numbers on lab tests. Thankfully new science has largely made archaic this form of medicine.
If you are chronically sick then you have experienced that much of medical care is blindly treating numbers on lab tests. Thankfully new science has largely made archaic this form of medicine.
If you have Lyme disease, MS, ALS, Parkinson's, Autism, Alzheimer's, and other chronic conditions, you definitely have ammonia accumulating in your brain and body. As the discoverer that Lyme spirochetes cause the accumulation of ammonia it is very validating to me that other scientists and clinicians have confirmed the finding.