Exercise intolerance and sluggish healing are common problems in people suffering from chronic illness. For all of the great intentions, exercise machines are most often used as a place to hang clothes. It is the proverbial “catch 22,” you know you need to exercise to get back to the health you desire, but your body is too weak and the post-workout pain it too much to endure, to continue working out. Many chronically ill people have a veritable pharmacy of half used and now expired natural and prescription bottles in their cupboards due to worsening symptoms or no relief when they took them. As you will see both situations are often from the same problem.
What most people, and unfortunately most doctors, don’t know is that the many muscle groups of the body are set up on dedicated circuits, much like the circuits of your house. If you go to the circuit breaker box in your house you will see that there are many different circuits dedicated to the various areas of your house.
The big quadriceps muscles that are located on the top of your thigh, that help you climb stairs, sit on the same circuit with the small intestines, and so on… If there are problems anywhere on these circuits the body will not give 100% energy to the blown, dysfunctional circuit, so that you will not damage things further by being able to go full-tilt on a damaged circuit.
When these circuits are “blown,” the muscles on these circuits will only work at about 40% of maximum integrity. “It isn’t a problem with not working out enough.” With just 40% of the normal strength available, there is not enough strength in the muscles to stabilize the joints, leading to pain, nor is there enough mitochondria (energy factories in the muscle fibers) to produce enough ATP (what your body uses for energy) to enable you to do many repetitions of your workout.
One can work out, and even make strength gains, but it will still be only about 40% of what should be available. Taking all the right sounding remedies, if they are not what is needed to turn on the circuits, will only provide brief symptom relief after which they stop working.
Working to detoxify the body, while always a good idea in this day and age, or killing bad bacteria will most often not result in turning on the full power to the circuits.
It would be nice if it were that easy, but it unfortunately requires a health care professional trained to test and treat the entire circuit…especially in any chronic illness.
60% Faster Healing?
Athletes depend upon their muscles to ultimately perform and excel in their sport. Few people understand that it is not enough to simply exercise a lot. Not if you want to become a truly world-class athlete, or to simply get back to health and endurance after a prolonged illness.
Can Instant Results be Truly Possible?
It would be nearly impossible to do without the many testing and treatment options that we can bring to bear on each case. When asked “How can you get these amazing results so quickly?” I answer with, “When the circuit in your house blows, how long does it take the lights to come back on once you have flipped the switch back on?” “Instantly!” Healing, especially from any chronic illness, is a process, just getting the circuits online again can often achieve phenomenal, virtually instantaneous improvements in muscle strength and endurance, it can take months and years of work to get back to the level of physical strength and health that you desire.
Restoring Healing in Chronic Illness is like…