According to the National Institute of Mental Health, anxiety disorders are the most common mental illness in the U.S., affecting 40 million adults age 18 and older every year. That means you or approximately 1 out of every 5 people you know is dealing with some form of anxiety or depressive disorder. Some people have been triggered by known traumatic events, while many people who suffer from debilitating anxiety and depression say that they cannot point to a cause, saying life is essentially great, other than the cloud of unexplained anxiety or depression. Newly discovered breakthroughs in diagnosis and drugless treatments are now available that can often work rapidly to ease and eliminate the stress, even in longstanding cases that have not responded to medication or other psychotherapies.
Anxiety and Depression are More than Chemical Imbalances
Anxiety and depression had long been considered just a chemical imbalance, and though many chemicals certainly are involved in this process, according to Harvard Health that figure of speech doesn’t capture how complex the disease really is. There are millions, even billions, of chemical reactions occurring both inside and outside the nerve cells located not only in the brain but in many other areas of the body as well that make up the dynamic system that is responsible for your mood, your perceptions, and how you experience life.
Research suggests that anxiety and depression don’t spring from simply having too much or too little of certain brain chemicals. Instead, there are many possible causes and factors for experiencing anxiety or depression. Identifying these many potential causes requires specialized, innovative testing. I will discuss some of these new technologies later in this article.
The Primary Influencers of Our Stress Condition
The following, based on current understanding, are believed to be the major factors in anxiety and depression:
- The function of the brain, including the growth and proper connections of neurons, especially in the amygdala, the thalamus, and the hippocampus;
- Electrical and chemical signals: The primary signaling is via neurotransmitters, such as Serotonin, Dopamine, Glutamate, and GABA that allow neuronal communication (the excitation or inhibition of neuronal activity and the enzymatic action of recycling and restoring pre-signal state in response to our perception of stress);
- Stress: The mental and emotional perception of stress plays an important role in anxiety and depression, it has its own physiological consequences and, when stress is chronic or the system gets stuck in overdrive, changes in the body and brain can be long-lasting without proper restorative treatment;
- Your genetic/epigenetic makeup will affect the production and proficiency of enzymes that influence how sensitive you are to stressful life events;
- Your temperament, which could also be thought of as your tendencies, based on your view of the world and, in particular, your unacknowledged assumptions about how the world works also influences how you feel. You develop your viewpoint early on and learn to automatically fall back on it when loss, disappointment, or rejection occurs, essentially again to some degree your base mindset drives your biochemistry;
- PTSD: Researchers have also found that early losses and emotional trauma may leave individuals more vulnerable to depression later in life. Many researchers believe that early trauma causes subtle changes in brain function that may account for symptoms of depression and anxiety;
- Environmental changes such as Seasonal affective disorder;
- Medical problems such as heart disease, cancer, endocrine disorders, and degenerative neurological conditions;
- Medications such as antibiotics, antivirals, heart, and high blood pressure medicine, antacids, pain medications, antidepressants, and narcotics can cause severe anxiety and depression.
- Digestive disorders and alterations in the populations and types of friendly bacteria in the gut impact the production of neurotransmitters and hormones.
When the System Falters
With this level of complexity, it is easy to see how people might have similar symptoms of anxiety or depression, but the actual causes of the problem may be entirely different, and therefore the treatment approaches will also need to be tailored to the individual. Doctors often don’t even stop to consider why this intricate orchestration is not working appropriately in the first place, leaning instead to the easier path of using drugs to cover up the symptoms!
Unfortunately, many people reading this are suffering from a pharmaceutically-altered cognitive condition, and are apprehensive to new ideas.
Anxiety disorders are considered highly treatable with pharmaceutical, symptom-suppressing medications, yet less than 40% of those suffering receive some form of treatment. And of those who do receive pharmaceutical treatment, many do not see a satisfactory resolution to the anxiety or depression that they experience. Unfortunately, many people conclude that an emotionally flat medicated state of existence is their lot in life? For the other 60% of people who go untreated, either just suffer or attempt some form of self-medication, such as alcohol, marijuana, or in desperate cases they resort to suicide.
The typical treatment of the conventional medical (pharmaceutical) approach is one of suppression of the symptoms. Medication can help ease the strain of anxiety and depression, however, it should not be viewed as a long-term solution due to its tendency to begin causing the same symptoms which it was originally intended to address. These medications alter brain chemistry and artificially change the function of the brain.
Though symptomatically this may be effective for some people, it does not really address “the cause” of the condition. Pharmaceutical interventions are based on an antiquated understanding of the science of the mind and leave the person in a prolonged medicated state of existence.
Pharmaceutical medicine cannot address early traumas, temperaments, underlying genetic/epigenetic predispositions, or other biochemical interferences. The second conventional medicine approach is talk therapy, usually through Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT). Though this may address temperament, early traumas, and stress, it does not address the person as a whole.
New Powerful Innovations at the Biologix Center
The doctors at the Biologix Center for Optimum Health treat people, not through psychoactive drugs with emotion-numbing or with horrible side-effects, but with advanced science and natural treatments that seek to restore a person’s optimum biochemical and regulatory condition to achieve a sustained state of well-being. The desired goal is that a person can return to the quality of life they seek without having to perpetually take supplements or medications for the rest of their life.
As novel as it may sound, we believe that if something is truly fixed, then you shouldn’t have to keep taking things to feel good. Hopefully, you remember a time in your life where you didn’t have to take anything in order to feel good. Many never remember a time like this because they didn’t have the luxury of good genetic/epigenetic condition from birth, and they were born into a very stressful environment.
We often have our patients tell us, “I don’t ever remember feeling this good” or “I thought I felt basically good until you made me feel better!” It is surprising to many that what the patient themselves often thought was a personality or character flaw in themselves, constantly persecuting themselves for poor behavior, was in the end, simply blocked pathways and screwed-up biochemistry and bio-information. The above statements are what we want to hear you say when you come to the Biologix Center!
There are no cookie-cutter treatments here. We work diligently every day of your two-three week program to apply the maximum effort and the most innovative technologies to find and help correct everything that can be found in your body that is not functioning correctly, understanding that the body, mind, and spirit are all interconnected and all interdependent, therefore it all needs to be functioning optimally in order to get the desired results.
We use several technologies developed by Dr. David A. Jernigan, D.C., such as Biospectral Emission Sequence Testing (BES) which helps to specifically target interferences with health, including mental health, and Dr. Jernigan’s latest innovation, Fractal Frequency Modulation (FrFM), which seems among other things, to help to identify and correct dysfunctions in metabolic pathways that influence a person’s propensity to anxiety and depression. We also use two other amazing technologies, NeuroPhotonic Therapy (NPT) and Neuro-Cardial Synchronization (NCS), to more completely evaluate and address the psychological, neurological, and physiological state of each person we have the privilege to treat. All of these technologies enable us to work with the wisdom of the body, as opposed to forcing the body and mind into drug-induced illusions of health.
“Where is the Research?”
We understand that trust is earned, and trust is often what is lacking in people who suffer from anxiety and depression. Some will ask, and legitimately so, where is our research? So far, after helping over ten thousand people across our 24 years, all we can show are happy patients, which understandably are not considered proof of concept in the medical research world.
We are not a research facility, although we are in the process of setting up several IRB research studies at the Biologix Center for Optimum Health in Franklin, Tennessee, so that we can publish true research results on the effectiveness of our non-invasive technologies and treatments for these and other conditions.
What we are is an innovative treatment center with a deeply held belief that the best treatments work to restore the optimum function of the body, mind, and spirit, and from there illness by any name naturally falls away.
We are also a deep pool of board-certified doctors, trained in advanced ways to facilitate the restoration of every system and tissue of the body through advanced science and natural means. Unlike medical doctors, who have a huge arsenal of drugs to push the body and mind around, Doctors of Chiropractic Medicine are trained virtually identically, yet must work with every known natural method to work with to free up the body and mind’s ability to function correctly again.
It is our observation that a person cannot “talk therapy” or drug their way out of their stress condition. We have seen people who completely flip to a normal, non-anxious, non-depressed, and non-irritable state almost immediately when we are successful at finding and correcting the underlying blockages and imbalances the neurotransmitter pathways and the interferences within the entire body. It is quite remarkable to see someone go from panic to peace, often within just a few minutes to a few days of these remarkable, restorative treatments.
If you’re ready for a more complete drug-less approach to your health and well-being call Biologix Center today to turn the page on this dark chapter of your life and move toward your journey to wellness and peace of mind.