They have done test after test. They have given what you have a name, a diagnosis. You feel thankful that at least someone knows what is wrong with you. You think, great now my doctor can figure out why this happened and fix it. Only that is not how the system works. It turns out the name they gave your illness simply enabled the doctor to know what drugs and interventions will be needed to manage the symptoms.

The idea of actually fixing what went wrong at the root cause, so that you don’t need to be dependent on drugs for the rest of your life, never occurred to the doctor as he tells you, “I’m sorry but you have xyz illness and these are the drugs that can help control the symptoms…Next!”

Roughly 97% of all pharmaceutical drugs only manage or suppress the symptoms.

There is another way. There are doctors who believe their job is not just to suppress or manage your symptoms. These doctors are trained in understanding the totality of the human body, how it all fits together, how to find and correct everything that has gone wrong, and how to help restore what is most optimum. Ideally if the true causes of even the most difficult illnesses are identified and corrected, health will be restored and no ongoing medications or fistfuls of natural supplements will be necessary.

“Pie in the sky” you may be saying. But wouldn’t you want a doctor who feels that they don’t want to take the easy drug route? After all, how hard is it to write a script for a medication, versus really taking it personally that they should work hard to figure out how to facilitate the body’s ability to truly heal itself?

Doctors Seeking a Cure!

As a doctor, I was taught to never use the word, “cure.” Cure is a four-letter dirty word in medicine. I have come to believe that this vilification is due to the fact that almost all of conventional medicine, with its carefully maintained persona of being the supreme manifestation of the healing arts, is almost exclusively based upon the concept of remission not cure. Remission is celebrated as a win, but is it really?

One can readily buy hats, coffee cups, t-shirts that emblazoned with the word, “REMISSION.” Of course remission feels good and provides relief, which many people are definitely needing, but one must be very clear that at some point in your treatment plan you must go beyond remission and seek a cure.

Before your read further, I want to be clear that cure is a product of the restoration of optimum functioning of the body. Remission is a temporary, drug-induced illusion of a cure. It may seem like I am saying a lot about a little, yet tens of millions of people are stuck and somewhat satisfied with chasing pharmaceutical remissions as a primary goal, when there is another and debatably better way. It is as though some people feel that life itself is some ongoing remission of one bad thing or another. If one does not learn to live in balance, use healing treatments that work to restore the integrity of the body, live with a strong mindset of healthy living, focused upon the goal of prevention, this sentiment is indeed true.

The unspoken belief propagated by the mainstream is that, “If we (mainstream medicine) cannot figure out how to heal you even with all of our high-tech facilities and tests, then no one can, so be satisfied with our drug-induced illusions of health and remission.” Almost every medication used today for chronic illnesses are designed to be taken for the rest of a person’s life.

Is Your Treatment Plan Headed for Cure or Remission?

The answer is easy for you to determine. It is important that you know the difference between cure and remission.

The answer to this question is pivotal in understanding the different treatment philosophies in the world.

Remission is on the mind of every person treated with conventional medicine, “Am I a ticking time bomb?” “Will the hell that I have gone through just come back someday?”

There are fortunate individuals who take just antibiotics and experience a restoration of asymptomatic life. From the poll I had on here the other day it appears that most people reading these Health tips have been treated with huge amounts of antibiotics for extended periods, yet are still very sick.

The following will provide you with definitions from medical dictionaries so that you can come to your own answer of whether you are headed for a cure or remission. The definition of health, cure, remission, allopathic and biological medicine are pivotal in coming to your answer.

1. The overall condition of an organism at a given time.
2. Soundness, especially of body or mind; freedom from disease or abnormality.

1. Restoration of health; recovery from disease.
2. A method or course of treatment used to restore health.
3. An agent, such as a drug, that restores health; a remedy. (Although the word, “drug” is used in the dictionary, if it restores health, it is not a remission-seeking, symptom-masking drug.)

a. Medicine; Abatement or subsiding of the symptoms (not the causes) of a disease.
b. The period during which the symptoms of a disease abate or subside.

A health care philosophy pertaining to conventional medical treatment of disease symptoms that uses substances or techniques to oppose or suppress the symptoms. (This is what 99.9% of medical doctors practice)

COMPLEMENTARY OR INTEGRATIVE MEDICINE: A health care philosophy that incorporates a mixed philosophy of conventional allopathic and natural medicine.

BIOLOGICAL MEDICINE or BIOREGULATORY MEDICINE: A pure, unmixed philosophy of health care that recognizes that all aspects of the body, mind, and spirit must be addressed and brought into optimal integrity before lasting restoration of health can be achieved. (This is what a very small percentage of doctors practice, including myself and my doctors at the Biologix Center for Optimum Health in Nashville, Tennessee)

Five Signs of Remission:

When in remission, one is only talking about the suppression of symptoms and therefore the causes remain underneath the medication and the symptoms even if gone for a period of time without medication, has a strong likelihood of returning since the actual cause of the illness was never addressed.

1) When you take a painkiller for the symptom of a headache, during the period of no pain …you are in remission. The headache may go away for awhile or never return, but what caused the headache is never fixed by the painkiller.

2) When a person takes antibiotics for a chronic infection, such as Lyme disease, without addressing the underlying systemic issues that lead to the actual “dis-ease”, and because the bacterial overgrowth is indeed only a symptom of underlying problems in the body…you are most often only in remission.

Simply having Lyme bacteria and co-infections in a person’s body does not mean that person will ever come down with the disease. This means the presence of bacteria is not the ultimate cause of LD. The bacteria might be thought of as the spark, while the weaknesses in the body are the dynamite! No weakness equals no explosion.

3) When the symptoms of Multiple Sclerosis are suppressed or slowed down through drug therapy…you are in remission.

4) When conventional chemotherapy and radiation destroy cancer cells, the tumor is only the most evident symptom of systemic problems, therefore without addressing the many causes of the cancerous process…this is remission.

5) If you have a knife stuck in your leg and you take morphine and the pain goes away…you are in remission! When you remove the knife and stitch up the wound and it heals…you are cured.

If All Else Fails…

Of course, if the body has been destroyed beyond repair, then drug-induced remission may be all that is left. My point is that most mainstream medicine is not even attempting to facilitate the restoration of the function and integrity of the body as a primary treatment strategy. I feel it is worth pursuing restoration even late in an illness, because we have seen dramatic restorations of health, and apparent long-term, lasting health returns when the body is provided with the corrective treatments it needs, in some of the toughest cases.

When all of the various causes and interferences to the optimum integrity and function of the many systems and tissues of the body are removed and the optimum integrity and function of every aspect of the body, mind, and spirit are restored, in any named illness…you are cured…the pain goes away, the paralysis reverses, the bacteria become non-pathological, the tumor disappears. The symptoms will not return unless you redo the things that set the problem in motion in the first place. This is a worthwhile goal, wouldn’t you say?

Treatment Strategy and Goals

The primary difference between the remedies of Biological Medicine and drugs of Allopathic Medicine is that every remedy is used with the sole purpose of restoring some aspect of dysfunction of the body, which once corrected the remedy can be discontinued. Not all, but the majority of drugs seek only to suppress symptoms and therefore these drugs must be taken for the remainder of the person’s life.

One of the most disrespected aspects of natural and conventional medicine’s view of the human body, and its suffering, is that there is little understanding and respect for the wisdom of the body.

It is this understanding and wisdom of what problems the body is attempting to adapt to that differentiates the Doctor using Biological Medicine (BioRegulatory Medicine) from that of conventional, allopathic medical doctors who justify their suppressive treatments by the disappearance of the symptoms, in spite of what the body is attempting to overcome, and in spite of the secondary side-effects.

The highest achievement of any doctor is to successfully facilitate the restoration of body’s ability to heal itself. While the doctors at the Biologix Center cannot always achieve complete restoration of health for every person, to strive towards this goal is superior, in my opinion, to seeking only remission with drug-induced illusions from pharmaceuticals.

Most of the best Biological Medicine hospitals of Europe and those few Biological Medicine clinics in the United States have completely moved away from the treatment of diseases and have moved to the incredibly huge task of systematically of going painstakingly through every issue that can be found in the entire organism of the human. From this stance “dis-ease” often falls away.

In Conclusion:

The philosophy of Biological Medicine seeks to provide the body with the building blocks and corrective bio-information and therapeutics to restore the optimum integrity and function of the entire body, mind, and spirit. From this treatment philosophy the causes and the symptoms of “disease” falls away, and “Health is restored” resulting in cure…in spite of the presence of bacteria!

With these goals in mind, it really doesn’t matter what name your illness has been given, because only by restoring what is most optimum can your body get back to health.

So based upon these definitions, are you headed for cure or remission? Your medical insurance is there for remissions and emergency care, not restorative care! Invest in yourself. Make it your mission to either let us help you or find a doctor who will help you really heal.