Postural Orthostatic Tachycardia (POTS) is a very common condition we see at the Biologix Center for Optimum Health in Wichita, Kansas. Because it is so common, we have developed many ways to address POTS naturally, that often enables permanent correction without the use of pharmaceutical drugs.

You may not know what POTS is, however you might be surprised to find several of your symptoms listed below. POTS is not a disease, but rather a collection of symptoms, which is why it is called a “syndrome.” POTS stands for Postural Orthostatic Tachycardia Syndrome.

Approximately 80% of people suffering from POTS are females. It is a very debilitating condition that very often brings normal life to a sudden halt. Many sufferers are bedridden for months to many years without much hope of improvement…until now.

In this article, I present the causes and the solutions. With our innovative approach, we are very close to 100% success in eliminating POTS…without using any medications!

Symptoms of POTS

According to Dysautonomia International, POTS includes a wide range of symptoms.

While the diagnostic criteria focus on the abnormal heart rate increase upon standing, POTS usually presents with symptoms much more complex than a simple increase in heart rate. Many POTS patients also experience fatigue, headaches, lightheadedness, heart palpitations, exercise intolerance, nausea, diminished concentration, tremulousness (shaking), syncope (fainting), coldness or pain in the extremeties, chest pain and shortness of breath. Many people are misdiagnosed with panic and anxiety disorders.

Patients can develop a reddish purple color in the legs upon standing, believed to be caused by and blood pooling or poor circulation. The color change subsides upon returning to a reclined position. It is fairly common for POTS patients to have a drop in blood pressure upon standing, but some POTS patients have no change or even an increase in blood pressure upon standing.

POTS sufferers often have hypovolemia (low blood volume) and high levels of plasma norepinephrine while standing, reflecting increased sympathetic nervous system activation. Approximately 50% of POTS patients have a small fiber neuropathy that impacts their sudomotor nerves.

Causes of POTS

Although mainstream medicine seems to feel the best action is to treat the various symptoms of POTS individually through medication, we have found profound and lasting improvements can be achieved often in just a few weeks when the causes of POTS are addressed.

POTS is primarily caused by dysregulation of the brain and the heart. The brain and the heart are like the dual-processors of the computer that runs the entire body. The brain and heart must remain synchronized in order for everything to work correctly. What happens in POTS is a corruption of the software and communication between the brain and heart, which throws off everything else in the body.

POTS can be initially caused by combinations of infections, toxins, acute or prolonged stress, EMF interference, mental and physical trauma, poor diet, and medication. While each of these must be addressed, thankfully the correction of POTS is often rapid, because what each of these potential causes did to the body was to desynchronize the brain waves and the heart waves, as well as cause the brain waves to become stuck in specific frequencies in each of the lobes of the brain.

The many brain, heart and circulatory problems seen in POTS can be caused by Lyme Endocarditis as a result of metabolic toxins produced by the spirochetes (bacteria) of Lyme. The primary toxin identified through clinical research is the accumulation of ammonia (NH3) in the heart, brain, and other infected tissues.

While eliminating the toxins and the bacteria can create a favorable environment for the body to be restored, the POTS symptoms often remain. In fact, the POTS symptoms often remain even after every potential cause has been addressed, because until recently, there were no effective ways to address the desynchronized and stuck brain and heart waves.

The three primary corrections for POTS:

  1. Synchronize the Brain and Heart waves (NeuroCardial Synchronization™)
  2. Enabling the brain to correct its stuck brain waves (Brain Wave Optimization®)
  3. Addressing overall structural and functional integrity and biocoherence of the body

Synchronizing the Brain and Heart waves

In the following link I introduce and discuss the profound new innovation called NeuroCardial Synchronization™, that was developed at the Biologix Center to specifically address the heart and brain disturbances of POTS. Keep reading to learn how modern phonocardiograms have changed what is possible in diagnosing and treatment functional heart problems.

Although it is difficult to read this picture, the blue box at the top left shows what a normal phonocardiogram should look like. Each of the other boxes show some of the problems that can be found in a dysfunctional heart.

Phonocardiography, is the use of a high-definition, digital, electronic stethoscope, linked to a computer program in order to record the sounds of the heart. From these recordings we can identify problems in heart that are often undetectable using ECG’s and other conventional heart tests.

Phonocardiography, when used in tandem with the powerful testing ability of Biospectral Emission Sequence Testing™ is a system of treatment now called NeuroCardial Synchronization™(NCS). Since NCS is such a new innovation, a Google search will likely not get any hits on the topic. Due to the fact that NCS was developed at the Biologix Center, and we are not a training/teaching facility, but a treating facility, NCS is only available at the Biologix Center for Optimum Health, in Wichita, Kansas at this time. There are plans to train other doctors in future.

Phonocardiology has the potential to identify problems in the heart arising from toxins, infections, hypoxia from poor hemoglobin synthesis, emotional and mental stress, structural, biochemical, and neurological problems.

Correcting the problems identified on Phonocardiogram requires the doctor to determine what is interfering with the optimum structure and function of the problem area. This may be a musculoskeletal interference, a neuromuscular interference, an neuropsychological interference, a nutritional deficiency, a metabolic toxicity, allergy, just to name a few, but in all cases the treatments are using natural means to work to restore the optimum function and structure of what has gone wrong. No pharmaceuticals or invasive treatments are ever used by our doctors.

It appears that virtually every chronic illness has different heart problems associated with the illness. This shouldn’t be a surprise when one considers that the heart plays such a huge role in regulating all of the DNA of the body, and is indeed secreting hormones that influence every tissue and organ in the body.

People treated with NCS have often stated that they experience not just a disappearance of their heart rhythm problems, but a greater sense of well-being on every level, as sense of well-being, peace, is the normal state of the heart that is functioning optimally.

Enabling the brain to correct its stuck brain waves

One might consider the brain waves to be synonymous to the software program that runs the body. The brain waves should normally be able to change and adapt to whatever change or challenge that arises from our internal or external environment.

The brain waves of every POTS sufferer are stuck in either a highly activated Sympathetic or Para-Sympathetic brain wave pattern. This might be thought of like the gas pedal being fully pressed when the car is in “park,” in the case of a stuck Sympathetic brain wave pattern, or the car is not even turned on, yet you need to get somewhere, in the case of a stuck ParaSympathetic brain wave pattern. Neither condition allows the body to respond correctly to any given situation.

The brain waves are influenced by any dysfunction in the body, and the body is influenced by any brain wave problems. As the body heals, the brain waves reflect that healing. The healing technologies our doctors use, such as NeuroCardial Synchronization, and NeuroPhotonic Therapy can target specific areas of the nervous system and help facilitate the brain’s ability to correct it’s brain waves so that a greater range of adaptability to situations can be once again restored. One can see that when this occurs, virtually every condition affecting mankind would be greatly benefited.  Read more about NCS.

Cerebellum Issues in POTS

At the base of your skull sits the cerebellum. The cerebellum is the primary neurological component that helps us sense our position. One of the simple tests you can do at home is to stand on one foot with your eyes closed. If you immediately begin dancing around, trying to stand straight, you have a cerebellum issue. You might want someone to stand close to catch you if you start falling over. If you do start swaying or falling over the cerebellum needs to be addressed. Treating this condition that is present in almost 100% of POTS sufferers, is most often very easy with our systems of treatment.

Another test for cerebellum issues is to stand with your feet together, eyes closed, with your arms out stretched to the sides, pointing your index finger. With your eyes closed, touch the tip of one index finger to the tip of your nose. If you miss the tip, or are having to hunt around to find it, you have a cerebellum issue. If you touch the tip of your nose with one hand then keep your eyes closed and touch it with the tip of the index finger of the other hand. To make it harder, use the tip of your pinky finger to the nose.

Vertigo and dizziness are often corrected when these cerebellum issues are addressed. Some POTS people feel they are sinking through the bed when they lay down, or the floor or ground is swallowing them up. This is often resolved with various corrections of the cerebellum, inner ear, cerebrum, falx tentorium and falx cerebri, as well as all of the multi-posture/intraoral jammed cranial bones. It sounds like a lot of issues to treat, but these can often be addressed using non-pharmaceutical corrections, sequentially over a course of days.

POTS issues from Shifted Falx

The fibrous floor that the brain sits on inside your skull is called the Falx Tentorium. The Falx Cerebri is a fibrous wall that separates the right and left hemispheres of your cerebrum.

In any type of head injury or even when you fall, or have been in a whiplash type accident, the Falx Tentorium and the Falx Cerebri can get shifted out of their normal position inside the skull. This shift causes what for all intents and purposes might be seen as an electrical short-circuit in the brain with every breath you take! Imagine, if the brain runs everything with the heart, how bad is it to short-circuit with each breath?

Believe it or not, one side of the nose breathes in only positively-charged ions from the air, while the other side breathes in negatively-charged ions, both of which feed the brain and body with a ratio of ions as needed by whatever internal and external challenges are going on.

A person generally takes a breath 16 times a minute. That is 960 times an hour, 23,040 breaths a day! So literally every organ, gland, and muscle goes momentarily weak 23,040 times a day.

Testing the Falx at Home

I am going to teach you to test this at home. You will a friend or family member to help you do this test. Lay on your back with your arm out held perpendicular to your body, with your elbow locked straight, and your thumb point toward the feet. Have the person helping you gently grab your arm just below the wrist.

Have them tell you to “hold strong” as they gently pull your arm slightly towards your feet. They should just be pulling hard enough to see if your arm muscle immediately locks strong. Obviously they can put all of their strength into it an beat your ability to resist their pulling, but that is not the point. You want to feel what a strong muscle should feel like. The muscle should immediate feel strong right away and not be gushy, like the stretching of a rubber band.

Now that you have established what the strong muscle feels like, have the person helping you reach over with their finger and push on nostril closed. With that nostril closed, breathe deeply through the other side of your nose that is still open. As you do so, have the person immediately retest the arm strength. If it goes weak and gushy, you have a shifted Falx. Now test with the other side of the nose close and test the arm for a weakening. Any weakness on either side indicates a dislocation of the Falx Cerebi.

Now do the arm strength test again with both nostrils closed and breathing deeply through your mouth. If the strong muscle goes weak, then you have a dislocation of the Falx Tentorium. In actuality, you can’t have one without the other, but it matters to a doctor when it comes down to correcting the problem.

Correcting this condition is a simple matter that can only be done by a doctor trained in multi-posture/intra-oral cranial/spinal percussion. This technique is like Cranial/Sacral therapy on steroids! There are some treatments and therapies that lead up to this correction that help maintain its correction position once it is corrected, but the actual correction often takes about an hour. Again, this is a huge problem in POTS, whose correction cannot be done with a drug!

Mitochondria: The Body’s Energy Factories and POTS

Within the cells of your body are little “organelles” like small organs that are called mitochondria. These are the energy factories that produce ATP (Adenosine Triphosphate). You burn 40% of your total body weight in ATP every day! If you weigh 100 pounds then 40 pounds of ATP is made and used up for energy to run your brain, your muscles, your organs, your biochemistry, your everything! Thankfully your body recycles it, otherwise you would waste away to nothing, which is often why when you are bed-bound, you lose weight and strength.

To make energy from ATP your body breaks one of the three phosphate groups off of the three phosphates attached to the adenosine molecule and as that phosphate breaks off…one photon of light is released, as well as heat is released. So in essence, your body is fueled by light and heat!

The heart is the primary generator of electromagnetic energy in the body, generating over 5000x stronger energy than the entire nervous system. Because the heart has many muscle fibers and they are always working, each heart muscle fiber needs many energy factories…mitochondria. A heart muscle fiber has approximately 2000 mitochondria in each cell!

When a person is bed-ridden, muscle atrophy sets in. Essentially when we are sedentary, never exercising, the body says, if you are not going to ask me for more energy, I am going to start shutting down all these energy factories that are not needed. So the muscles get smaller. You still have the same number of muscle fibers, but way less mitochondria.

The same is true when you work out. The body goes, wow, if you are going to keep asking me for more energy than usual, I am going to have to create more energy factories…mitochondria. After awhile, the muscle fibers swell up, loaded with mitochondria and the available strength and energy rises.

To test your mitochondria at home, you will need someone to help you. Lay on your back or sit with your arm out perpendicular to the body, with the elbow locked, and palm open with your thumb pointing to the feet. Have the person helping you pull gently to see the muscle lock strongly against the pull. Now have the person pull gently ten times. If there is a deficit in mitochondrial numbers and a problem with the biochemical energy metabolic pathways, the muscle will go weak within the first few pulls. Good mitochondrial function should enable you to maintain strength, without your arm muscle feeling gushy or like a stretched rubber band, for the full ten pulls.

Mitochondrial issues are caused by inactivity, but also by messed up biochemical pathways. Our doctors have ways to test these situations and correct them often, with the ability to sustain this arm muscle strength to ten pulls within a few days of treatments. All without pharmaceuticals, just through working to naturally restore the body’s correct structural and functional integrity.

Biochemistry and POTS

It goes without saying that all of the things we have already discussed necessarily cause alterations in hormones, neurotransmitters, and every other biochemical issue you can name. Simply correcting the above issues can enable the body to regain the correct regulation of your body’s biochemistry, however while you have been sick, various biochemical processes likely have been damaged, blocked, or otherwise dysregulated by opportunistic infections, the accumulation of toxic cellular junk in the lymphatics from having to lay in bed for months to years.

The body’s chemistry responds to the challenges you place on it. If you are exercising in a gym, your biochemistry will shift to cranking up the hormones and neurotransmitters and such needed for your body to perform the exercises. If you are eating dinner, your body will send more energy to the digestive system’s biochemistry to digest the food. If you just lay in bed for months, you can’t be surprised that certain biochemical pathways haven’t been used and are sluggish to get busy again. If you are depressed everyday, every cell and tissue in your body shifts it’s biochemical output to support the sluggishness associated with a depressed state of mind. The same holds true for anxiety or any other emotional state, including genuine love, appreciation, and joy, which all cause an entirely different set of cell and tissue biochemistry that happens to positively support healing!

Treatment of all of the biochemistry is made much easier by the testing and treatment innovation called Biospectral Emission Sequence Testing (BES), another technology developed at the Biologix Center. BRS enables an adjunctive way to test all of the steps in the primary biochemical pathways involved in POTS to identify where the various steps in the biochemical sequences are blocked. When a pathway is blocked it is easy for someone to tell when they take the right nutrition but their symptoms get worse. The nutrient itself is pushing a blocked pathway! BRS can help the doctor quickly identify the blockage and immediately test for the correction the body needs to open up that blocked area.

Yes, this too is done WITHOUT pharmaceuticals. Yes I have an attitude when it comes to pharmaceutical treatments, because they just treat the symptoms instead of enabling the body to do the work itself, and very often the drugs start causing the same or worse issues. Great insurance pays for it, but nothing is fixed ever unless the body’s own ability to get back to work is corrected. Better to me is to get back to normal life where you are not having to take something to feel good…you just feel good and you are able to work, exercise, rejoin life in its fullest!


Think about it. Most people led a relatively normal life before being diagnosed with POTS. If you had essentially a normal life before POTS then your body functioned fairly good in spite of any SNP mutations you inherited from your parents. If you have always been sick or if you were not sick prior to POTS, it can be beneficial to understand the role genetic/epigenetic predispositions play in your present state of health.

Again, our doctors are able to assess and often help the body correct these predispositions using another innovation developed at the Biologix Center, called Fractal Frequency Modulation. We have seen dramatic improvements in some of the toughest cases by getting to the deepest parts of the body’s regulation of metabolism.

In Conclusion

I hope you see that POTS is way more than a salt deficit, or an adrenal issue, or whatever you have been told, and that even though pharmaceuticals can help the symptoms, they are not correcting the body’s issues. POTS is not just one thing, nor is it just the things I have discussed here. We could go on and talk about organ-circuit problems, but that would make for a much longer article. There are many more issues I could discuss that feed into POTS, but this is a good start. Each person’s case is a different collection of problems that must be addressed individually.

I have given you easy ways to test that can help you diagnose yourself at home, even if you don’t have a diagnosis of POTS. Unfortunately the treatments and corrections are not something that I can tell you to just go to the health food store or vitamin shop and take x.y, z supplements to correct.

I want to scream sometimes when I hear that young people, or old for that matter, have lost months and years of their life to something that can often be corrected fairly quickly if only their doctors would be open to learning more than drug therapy. Even on the natural side of things, taking fist fulls of supplements is often doomed to fail because supplements cannot fix many of these core issues.

If you are suffering, we are here to help you.

To learn more watch a lecture presented by Dr. Jernigan on NeuroCardial Synchronization click this link:

The ideal doctor is not a specialist in diseases, but one who understands disease, yet specializes in restoring what is optimum.