David A. Jernigan, DNM, D.C.
Our initiative of treating the whole person has resulted in thousands of success stories. Virtually all of these people came having exhausted all the conventional and often alternative medicine treatments, with what was essentially incurable, or at least non-responsive illness.
– David A. Jernigan, DNM, D.C., Founder/Owner of Biologix Center
Dr. Jernigan is one of the country’s top innovators of precision bioenergetic testing and treatment technologies, with his most recent innovation, INPT (Induced Native Phage Therapy) possibly being one of his most important technologies to date.
Dr. Jernigan is constantly pushing the limits of research and development with a passion to get ever closer to 100% cure rate. Dr. Jernigan was the first to publish a book on the natural treatment of people suffering from post-treatment Lyme Disease and is a published author of five books, with his best-seller being, “Beating Lyme Disease, 2nd Edition” Dr. Jernigan is nationally recognized as a leader in the purest form of medical treatment philosophy, Biological and Bioregulatory Medicine. For 25 years Dr. Jernigan has only treated the toughest cases, with almost 90% of patients coming from other states and countries for his unique testing and treatments. He has trained doctors to utilize his powerful new technologies in his flagship clinic, the Biologix Center for Optimum Health, in Franklin, Tennessee, specializing in the treatment of chronic illness and previously considered incurable cases.
He received his Bachelor’s degree in Nutrition at Park University, graduating with honors, and his doctorate in Chiropractic Medicine at Cleveland University-Kansas City. He is a board-certified Doctor of Natural Medicine with an emphasis on chronic infections and chronic illness. Post-Graduate studies include natural and Anthroposophical medicine in Germany and Biological Medicine with the famed-father of European Biological Medicine, Dr. Thomas Rau, MD, of the Paracelsus Clinic of Switzerland. He is board-certified in Botanical Medicine through the University of Colorado, School of Pharmacy, and trains doctors in advanced homeopathy and bioenergetic medicine. Dr. Jernigan invented several advancements upon medical science, Biospectral Emission Sequence Testing, Matrix Interface Resonance Scanning, Fractal Frequency Modulation, NeuroPhotonic Therapy, Induced Native Phage Therapy, and NeuroCardial Synchronization.
Pioneering Advanced Natural Healthcare
- The first doctor to write a book on the natural treatment of people diagnosed with Lyme Disease and now the author of four books on Lyme Disease. The latest edition is “Beating Lyme Disease; Living the Good Life in Spite of Lyme, 2nd edition.
- The first to develop a botanical formula (Borrelogen) specifically frequency-matched to enable the body to effectively eliminate Lyme spirochetes.
- The first to present laboratory research verifying the effectiveness of a natural botanical formula (Borrelogen) to facilitate the body’s ability to kill Lyme spirochete bacteria.
- The first ever to present laboratory research verifying the effectiveness of a natural botanical formula at the International Tick-Borne Diseases Conference in New York, NY 1999.
- First to publish on the need for a more comprehensive approach, including detoxification for people with Lyme disease.
- The first to identify Hyperammonemia (ammonia) as the primary toxin byproduct of Lyme disease. (Published Townsend Newsletter for Patients and Doctors)
- The first to develop a botanical detoxification formula that can cross the blood/brain barrier and relieve the physiological effects of neurotoxins as verified by Functional Acuity Contrast Testing (FACT)
- First to develop a Lyme disease specific scoring system of Lyme neurotoxin levels using FACT testing.
- First to publish on abolishing the physicians use of a Herxhiemer Reaction as a guide to effective treatment. The sign of good treatment is that the patient feels better.
- First to identify global ammonia as the dominant toxin in Multiple Sclerosis and ALS.
- Developer of Biospectral Emission Sequence Testing (Adjunctive Diagnostic and treatment technique)
- Developer of NeuroPhotonic Therapy
- Developer of Multi-posture/Intraoral Cranial Fixation technique
- Developer of NeuroCardial Synchronization Technique
- Developer of BRADE (BioResonance Allergy Desensitization & Elimination Technique)
- Formulator of over 30 novel botanical and homeopathic remedies
- Developer of Induced Native Phage Therapy (INPT)
- “Surviving Lyme Disease Using Alternative Medicine”, Somerleyton Press, 1997
- “Surviving Lyme Disease”, 2nd edition 1999
- “Borrelia burgdorferi antigen release stimulation by nutraceutical formula as determined by Lyme Urine Antigen Testing (LUAT)”
Research poster Presentation at the International Tick-borne and Infectious Disease Conference, New York, NY 1999 - “Beating Lyme Disease; Using Alternative Medicine and God-Designed Living,” Somerleyton Press, 2004
- Peer-Reviewed Research Article: “Illuminated Physiology and the Medical Uses of Light” Subtle Energies and Energy Medicine Journal, 2004
- “Everyday Miracles by God’s Design,” Zulon Press, 2005
- “Realities of Antibiotics for Lyme Disease,” 2007 Townsend Newsletter for Doctors and Patients ”
- Lyme Toxins the Cause of Your Symptoms,” 2007, Townsend Newsletter for Doctors and Patients, Journal Article
- “Beating Lyme Disease,” 2nd edition, 2008
- “Hyperammonemia in Lyme Disease, Bacterial toxins the Cause of Your Symptoms, 2008 Townsend Letter’s Examiner of Alternative Medicine Publication, Journal Article insert
- “Cancer and Low Body Temperature” 2012, Townsend Letter’s Examiner of Alternative Medicine Publication, Journal Article
- “Bacteria-Focused Treatment of Lyme Disease May be Incorrect” 2013, Townsend Letter’s Examiner of Alternative Medicine Publication
- “NeuroCardial Synchronization Repertory,” 2014
Graduate and Post Graduate Training
- Bachelors of Science, Nutrition, Cum Laude, Park University, Parkville, MO 1995
- Doctor of Chiropractic, Cleveland Chiropractic University, Kansas City MO, 1995
- Anthroposophically-Extended Medicine, Wala-Heilmittel Eckwalden, Germany In 1998
- University of Colorado, School of Pharmacy, 1998 to 1999, Certification in Botanical Medicine
- Acupuncture/Meridian Therapy Training, 1994 to present, Cleveland Chiropractic University
- Classical Homeopathy Training, 1995 to 1997, Robin Murphy DHom.
- European Biological Medicine Network, 2006, Thomas Rau, MD Certified in “Advanced Biological Medicine” in Marion, Massachusetts
- Training in Homeopathy, 1995, Constitutional and Miasmatic Diagnosis and Treatment Jack Hinze, PhD
- Lyme Disease and Co-Infections Conference, 2004, Belleview, WA Dietrick Klinghardt, MD, PhD
- Computerized Regulation Thermography, 2000, Miami, FL David Beilin, ND
- Board Certified Doctor of Natural Medicine, 2000, Examining Board of Natural Medicine Practitioners-North America
- 1999 International Tick-borne Diseases Conference, New York, NY Presented poster-study on the very first botanical formulation to demonstrate “Lyme Antigen Releasing Factors”
- German New Medicine Certification I-IV, 1998-1999, Caroline Markolin, PhD
- Metabolic and Enzymatic Therapies for People with Abnormal Cell Replication, 1996, William Donald Kelley, D.D.S., M.S.
- Liberti Masters Certification in Impairment and Personal Injury, 1996, Hollywood, FL Frank Liberti, MD
- Advanced Brimhall technique Coursework, 1995 to present, Training in Low-level Laser therapy, Myofascial Release Therapy, 5th-Generation Activator Adjusting Techniques, Emotional Release Therapy, Nutritional/Glandular/Complex Homeopathy
- Certification in Chiro-Plus Kinesiology, 1994 to 1995, Milton Dowty, D.C.
- Phonocardiology Training I & II, 2014, Chris Astill-Smith, D.O.