For almost 30-years, my team and I have treated people from all over the world who have fallen through the cracks of both mainstream healthcare and natural healthcare. Often these people told me they had searched for a clinic like ours for many years before finally finding us. Other people said they were not sure when they should make the decision to change what they were doing with their mainstream doctors and seek other treatment options, but that they wished they had done it sooner.
After speaking with our patients in hundreds of thousands of office visits, I thought it might be a good idea to write down a list of reasons you might consider coming to let us help you. If you have experienced just one of these “whens,” then you should consider a trip to the Nashville, Tennessee area.
- When you are too reactive to prescription medications and also herbal medicines.
- When nothing is working.
- When you need a completely new approach.
- When you need one doctor to be able to address everything.
- When you need a doctor to really listen to you and be able to address each issue.
- When you need a doctor who thinks outside the box.
- When you need one of the top innovators in healthcare.
- When you need a doctor to do much more than just look at lab tests and adjust your medications.
- When your doctor says take this and call me in three months.
- When you realize you need a doctor who can test each remedy to your body and not just follow the latest celebrity doctor’s treatment protocol.
- When your doctor expects you to feel horrible as a sign of good treatment: (Herx-reaction).
- When you feel that maybe the treatment is worse than the illness.
- When you have been through so many different treatments than you are contemplating giving up.
- When you realize that a doctor who healed himself of the same illness you have doesn’t necessarily mean he knows how to heal you.
- When you don’t want a doctor and clinic that is not used to tough cases.
- When you realize your insurance only pays for a one-size-fits-all healthcare for the masses, but doesn’t fit you.
- When what you need is a thought leader in the industry, not a celebrity seeker.
- When you have given your doctors years of your life with minimal results.
- When you have either only stayed the same or gotten worse in spite of the treatments.
- When you realize your doctor may be very nice and very concerned but is unable to figure out how to fix you.
- When your doctor never gets out from behind his desk.
- When your doctor’s treatments are only managing your symptoms.
- When your doctor expects your treatment to take one or more years to complete before you start feeling better.
- When you realize that a doctor’s great pedigree doesn’t mean he is much different than any other of his peers.
- When you feel you know more than your doctor about your illness.
- When you’re lying awake at night surfing the internet for more ideas.
- When your cupboard is overflowing with bottles of failed remedies and medications.
- When you just want someone, anyone, to treat you like you are a much loved family member.
When you’re sick and tired of being sick and tired, contact the Biologix Center for Optimum Health. We are here waiting for you.
In this day and age, it is becoming more and more clear that you cannot drug your way to true health. If you were truly healthy, you would not have to continually take drugs of any type. The “new norm” is that everyone looks at everyone else and sees nothing but dysfunction and illness and unfortunately thinks how blessed they are to have drugs to manage their symptoms. It is as though people feel they cannot trust anyone anymore, especially in healthcare. In that regard, I am with you. My clinic and team have no ties to the mainstream drug-treatment philosophy.
The world’s most astute and celebrated physicians cannot heal even the simplest papercut, much less serious illness. There is only one thing that can heal the papercut, or for that matter, any illness. That one way is through the restoration of the body’s ability to heal itself with support from advanced methods and treatments that seek to restore only the most optimum structure and function of every aspect of the body. Only the body can heal the papercut. If insurance paid for a lifetime supply of Band-Aids, but the papercut never healed, wouldn’t you eventually find a doctor who didn’t just mask the symptoms but worked to figure out why your body was not healing the papercut? The type of doctor who does this deep dive to really figure out why your body is not healing and who also has the drug-free technology and tools necessary to facilitate the restoration of the body is almost non-existent in the mainstream!